Ranelagh School

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Ranelagh School Vision


Though we are many, we are one body.  

[Eucharistic Prayer, Common Worship]


Following the ministry of Jesus, we empower all to use their gifts in faithful service. We inspire and encourage each individual to develop and nurture unique skills, interests and talents, in order that they can flourish. Our school is a unifying heartbeat, enabling everyone to feel welcomed and valued as members of our community. 


We draw students from over forty primary schools spread over a diverse geographical area.  Some of our young people and their families have experienced worship from a range of Anglican traditions, whilst others practise different denominations and faiths, or hold a wide variety of beliefs, values and ways of looking at the world.  Our aim is for Ranelagh to offer a unifying heartbeat.  Our vision is rooted in the example of Jesus’ ministry – we are all one body, part of one church; we are all known and welcome and our unique skills and attributes are valued.


We endeavour for each individual to be included within our supportive community in which those of all circumstances and contexts are able to learn and work together to experience love, hospitality, service, solidarity, forgiveness and the possibility of new beginnings.


We are unrelenting in our support of each individual, in order that we all might have hope and aspiration for the future. Everyone is enabled to develop their unique skills and talents and to aspire for excellence, being empowered to take responsibility for making wise choices.  In order for all students to thrive and excel, we aim to foster confidence and delight in learning through a rich diet of scholastic, practical, cultural and spiritual opportunities.  In addition to encouraging intellectual rigour, we nurture a vibrant and creative environment in which members of the school community are able to work together to seek the wisdom, knowledge, truth, understanding and skills which will support all to fulfil Jesus’ promise of life in all its fullness.